30 May 2022

          Melikgazi Municipality provided training on recycling and zero waste to students and teachers from 5 different countries at Recycling Facilities.

          Each project that adds value to the development of our country they expressed great pleasure from taking part in Mayor of Melikgazi Dr. Mustafa Palancioglu, "Sustainability connecting Europe’ project a total of 21 students and 10 teachers from 5 countries such as Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Finland came to our city within the framework of the Erasmus KA-229 student exchange program of Örenşehir Çinkom Secondary School within the framework of the project.
Our recycling plant continues to act as a training facility. Students and officials visited the recycling facility of our municipality and received information about zero waste. At the same time, the necessity of not dumping vegetable waste oils in the trash and sink, not throwing textile waste mixed with garbage, collecting them separately in our homes, schools and workplaces and leaving them at recovery points was emphasized. Both the prevention of environmental pollution and the protection of natural resources and the contributions they will make to the national economy were transferred. There have been examples and references such as our facility and the training facility. In addition, Erciyes College is the 1st.,2., 3. a zero waste training seminar has been organized for classroom students. Our students were told how recycling zero waste can be applied in their schools and homes. Thank you to those who have worked hard. " said.

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